Live Streaming and
So Much More
We offer live streaming and on-demand video access with multiple features,
viewing modes, and sharing options.
Watch live and on-demand across all devices with LiveBarn's cutting-edge technology and high-quality streaming service.
Our Feature Line-Up
Elevate the way you watch the sports you love.
Live & On Demand
Video Downloads
Live Tagging
Player Analysis

Watch Your Way
Watch live and on-demand from any of our 4,000 playing surfaces. Access past video for 30 days. Toggle between auto tracking and panoramic viewing modes. Catch what you missed with live rewind and pick up where you left off with bookmarks (both features coming soon!).

Collect the Moments
Easily download and save clips to any device. Share your top moments via text, email, or social media. Want more video? Live tagging lets you tag plays while watching live, in-venue. Receive auto-generated clips via email after the event.

Elevate Your Game
Use our latest Player Analysis Feature to evaluate ice hockey player performance like the pros. Purchase individual game breakdowns and receive a Player Spotlight Video, Time on Ice Metrics, Ice Position Heat Maps, and Goal Highlights.
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What Our Fans Say